One of my wishes is that those dark trees,
So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,
Were not, as ’twere, the merest mask of gloom,
But stretched away unto th eedge of doom.
I should not be withheld but that some day
into their vastness I should steal away,
Fearless of ever finding open land,
or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.
I do not see why I should e’er turn back,
Or those should not set forth upon my track
To overtake me, who should miss me here
And long to know if still I held them dear.
They would not find me changed from him the knew–
Only more sure of all I though was true.
I think the dark trees personify uncertainties of a married life. Old and firm refer to the matrimony of his parents where there was barely any spark of happiness. He likes to think that he will find happiness in his marriage that will last forever. Here his friends are not being very supportive. He takes the leap nevertheless. They soon follow his track n find him the same yet happier and content.(atleast he hopes)
This is what I understood n it holds a deep meaning cuz I am getting married as well 😀
What Frost is saying here is simple, what is is saying is that if you know him as a youth and he moved and the two of you meet later in life he would be the same that you knew when he was a youth
I think hes talking about growing up, the trees represent boundries that shelter us, but hold us back(parents). and hes going out and experiencing the world.
I think frost is talking about leaving his town or city to set out on a journey and to get in touch with a spirtual side of himself and to really apreciate nature more… not a hippie either…
From reading “into my own” i was a lilttle confused at first about what really happen i was trying
to think about what robert frost was refering to but then after reading his poem over and
over,his poem made more sense that i could ever imagine.After the death of this family he
became so lost,confused,alone and felt he was an outcase,standing like a widow tree in a dark
path ,whom people saw but didnt notice,tryin to over come every bad obsticle in his llife,finding
a way out with no fear in his soul but he’s unsure of what holds in reality, knowing that where
ever he might be the dark memory will always follow but it dont matter where you are or what
you do,as long u hold the people you love close to your heart you’r never alone.
Those “trees” that are “so old and firm they scarcely show the breeze” refer to ignorant people who refuse to change their views. This is a poem about irony. Frost is saying that anyone whose views don’t coincide with his is close-minded, but he doesn’t see any reason why he should change his views.
I like the end of this poem more than anything. The rest of it kind of confused me.
ok, so i had this dog and it died…then i read a poem by robert frost AND I FELT BETTER. u have no life getting on these websites. ROCKY. come on. u r so lame saying that. robert frost was not a nerd and u are a hypocrite
i do not know much about robert ,but according to this poem, i should say that he expresses something which is quite somber, sort of loneliness(“who should miss me here”),but at the end, we can find something more bright, or i should say, hope,cause he says “…more sure of all i thugh was ture.but personally, this poem actually makes me quite blue, and mow i am doubting that whether what i am doing now is worthy,for life is a hourglass! there is no time for us to waste!
This poem taks about whatpeople go through in life.
i take this poem literally. This poem makes perfect sense. I dont perceive it as death or running away. I see it as his simple longing to be alone with nature and to experience the beautiful simplicity and complexity that it is. If you’ve never been so far into the wilderness that there isnt any sign of humans you have no idea the feeling im or “he” i should say is talking about.