Lola Haskins

Lola Haskins (1943 - Present)

Lola Haskins is retired from the University of Florida’s Computer and Information Sciences Department.

Lola Haskins has published eight poetry collections, Desire Lines, New and Selected Poems (BOA Editions, 2004), Extranjera (Story Line, 1998), The Rim Benders (Anhinga, 2001), Hunger (University of Iowa Press, 1993– winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize), Forty-Four Ambitions for the Piano (University Press of Florida, 1990/ second edition Betony Press, 1992), Castings (Countryman Press, 1984/second edition Betony Press, 1992), Across Her Broad Lap Something Wonderful (State Street Press, 1990), and Planting the Children, (University Press of Florida, 1983).

She has also finished a book of advice for people interested in poetry The Wing on the Mailbox, A Beginner’s Guide to the Poetic Life.

Poems By Lola Haskins


Dearborn North Apartments (2 Comments »)
Mary’s Duties (2 Comments »)