I SALUTED a nobody.
I saw him in a looking-glass.
He smiled—so did I.
He crumpled the skin on his forehead,
frowning—so did I.
Everything I did he did.
I said, “Hello, I know you.”
And I was a liar to say so.
Ah, this looking-glass man!
Liar, fool, dreamer, play-actor,
Soldier, dusty drinker of dust—
Ah! he will go with me
Down the dark stairway
When nobody else is looking,
When everybody else is gone.
He locks his elbow in mine,
I lose all—but not him.
it is mainly a patriotic poem. use of contrast between the harsh enviroment and the strong ability to survive and the seeming derrogative adjectives are veri impressive in this poem.we can asy that Chicargo is beatuiful in this poem ina musculine way.