Finally the day dawned when a monopoly owned everything in the
So it went looking for its stockholders to celebrate
But they were all owned by it they were all dead they were
Their photographs hung in elevators which went up and down up and
down carrying nobody
Everyone else was in bed doing exercises to get in shape for noon
Hey the monopoly said let’s uncork the World Trade Center and get
The monopoly scowled
All it wanted was a little good-fellowship, like you get in the
highrise apartment-buildings
Then the sky got awful dark
And everyone was in bed frantically doing those exercises that get us in
shape for death
Exercises known as “kissing” “fucking” “caressing”
Everyone was unaware that they had been bought
Or that the earth was about to sell them to the moon
For a little light

Analysis, meaning and summary of Bill Knott's poem Monopoly

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