All crying, ‘We will go with you, O Wind!’
The foliage follow him, leaf and stem;
But a sleep oppresses them as they go,
And they end by bidding them as they go,
And they end by bidding him stay with them.
Since ever they flung abroad in spring
The leaves had promised themselves this flight,
Who now would fain seek sheltering wall,
Or thicket, or hollow place for the night.
And now they answer his summoning blast
With an ever vaguer and vaguer stir,
Or at utmost a little reluctant whirl
That drops them no further than where they were.
I only hope that when I am free
As they are free to go in quest
Of the knowledge beyond the bounds of life
It may not seem better to me to rest.
This poem comes up as a first result on some search engines. But the first stanza is wrong. The third line is incorrect and should be completely removed. Sadly, this incorrect version has been copied from some site (yours?) and pasted onto many other sites with the same blunder.
Oh, I beg to differ on SO many levels. For one who does not live in “American Society” you are certainly quick to draw conclusions about something you are ignorant of. The piece uses the leaves as a metaphor for the passage from childhood into adulthood and then to the afterlife. Beging life with such innocence, promise and enthusiasm, it is simple to cry out, I will, I will! When the time draws near and the chosen path is more difficult than one realises, fear sets in. One cowers away from the great things you can accomplish for fear of failure, difficulty and uncertainty. It is so easy to remain, settle for mundain. To never step off the beaten path, or in lamense terms, “I will do what is safe because I can not risk for my dreams”. When the largest adventure and greatest and final Journey comes from shedding the confines of the body after ones last breath, like the leaves themselves have done, I pray I have the courage and strength to search out all I couldnt in life. Instead of stopping, let me soar… I very much enjoy the works of Frost, more so the parables he uses in his writtings.
this poems message is advice from Frost to be aware and knowledgeable of experiences that may have had an affect in our lives and to appreciate the free-will each and everyone of us are given.
american society is a failure