Romance, who loves to nod and sing
With drowsy head and folded wing
Among the green leaves as they shake
Far down within some shadowy lake,
To me a painted paroquet
Hath been—most familiar bird—
Taught me my alphabet to say,
To lisp my very earliest word
While in the wild wood I did lie,
A child—with a most knowing eye.

Of late, eternal condor years
So shake the very Heaven on high
With tumult as they thunder by,
I have no time for idle cares
Through gazing on the unquiet sky;
And when an hour with calmer wings
Its down upon my spirit flings,
That little time with lyre and rhyme
To while away—forbidden things—
My heart would feel to be a crime
Unless it trembled with the strings.

Analysis, meaning and summary of Edgar Allan Poe's poem Romance


  1. garnettebu says:

    clathrate external according

  2. TorpTodoJeole says:

    ROSANNE PEARLENE ast invasive, that a woman shoul TRULA

  3. TorpTodoJeole says:

    FELISA NGA started writing down the stuff that was happening EVETTE

  4. R & S says:

    This poem reminds me of my days as an anal bead.
    It also reminds me of my fetishes towards blood belching vaginas.
    This poem delves into the deep loins of chlamydia and replenishes the soul.
    Poe is describing the catholic priest who molested him at the age of nine.
    This poem reminds me of communism.
    This poem helps me feel better about the very irritating crabs divulged within my pubies.
    The priest never called back.

  5. Mumbo Jumbo says:

    Im doing a project for English class and its due in about two days. And i spotted this poem and it just seemed to call out my name. It just gives that feeling to me, like when you like something. But i dont seem to understand the meaning of this poem. Would anyone care to explain what this poem is about to me? I’d be greatfully happy. Please and Thankyou!

  6. Rangel says:

    This poem is beyond belief — amazing.

  7. Snowy says:

    This is the greatest poem ever. I’m inspired by it. I may only be in 8th grade, but I understand what it’s about. I love Egdar Allan Poe.

  8. Armando says:

    Still romance prevail…denying love and romance is as having life as muted…be in love!

  9. Myesha says:

    This poem is a beautiful poem eloquently writen by one of the best poets to ever grace the earth. Now to address Rosalind’s comment about the 8th grader. I guess you have forgotten what it is like to be 14-15 years old. I want to say a well deserved well done for any 8th grader who is interested in writers such as Poe. Maybe it is because you are old and have something against young people. But I want to tell you to be happy you are still living and stop being so bitter. I wil pray for you okay? And weeman you need to up that narrow mind of yours a liitle bit more!!!

  10. Caitlin says:

    This poem… wow. I’ve always loved Edgar Allen Poe, partially because of the beautiful language and how the words just slip over your mind, and partially because of the messages his poems and stories send. I wish people could talk that way again. The poem reminds me of the soft, quiet sort of love that lasts for a long time and goes undisturbed by mundane nuisances like self consciousness and arrogance. It’s very… refined. Like a love that you know people know about but don’t try to show off, because it’s just for you and the person you love. It’s incredibly pure. Yes, it’s hazy, but that’s fitting because, being human, I don’t think anyone could do that feeling justice.

  11. Nicole says:

    a mind filling poem which is good, for me.

  12. --Keex-- says:

    This poem is incredibly good..10+

    I am indeed a big E.A.Poe fan..[Yr.9]..
    I even made my own fan club..^^’

  13. Norma says:

    i love your poem. it really inspired me about romance. your poem kinda reminds me about alot of stuff that i went through. thanks for writing it.

  14. rosalind says:

    ‘alexks’ your pretty damn pretentious for a 8th grader. i find it funny how kids somehow always finds a way to slip in their age on sites like this so that we can be in awe of a teenager with such refined taste. i bow down before you alex, 8th grade edgar allen poe fan, well done.

  15. wibii says:

    i’m loving it !!

  16. Brooke says:

    hey ur peom is good

  17. Weeman says:

    THe poem was very bad what happened to funny ones like Rip Van Winkle

    Rip Van Winkle
    What a man
    20 years
    without a

  18. alekx says:

    I really like this poem because it is so good. it reminds me something that would be in a story. it is written so engeniously. it is the best. and i love it. The writing reminds me of a kind of hazy dream.
    yes if this poem was a person, id hug it every day.
    yes it might be kind of strange that me, being an 8th grader would love edger allan poe so much. but oh who cares. i dont think im alone…well at least i hope so.

  19. Michael says:

    this poem is a very relaxing vesion of my own personal life

  20. harsha says:

    A very mind filling poem

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