The Soul’s Superior instants
Occur to Her — alone —
When friend — and Earth’s occasion
Have infinite withdrawn —
Or She — Herself — ascended
To too remote a Height
For lower Recognition
Than Her Omnipotent —
This Mortal Abolition
Is seldom — but as fair
As Apparition — subject
To Autocratic Air —
Eternity’s disclosure
To favorites — a few —
Of the Colossal substance
Of Immortality
When someone withdraws from me or I from someone else, I find I do not need others, and it reminds me of the self-sufficiency of God.
this poem clearly exhibits the apparent connections between Dickinson’s themes and the mid 19th century philosophical movement Transcendentalism
I think this poem is about how “her” is leaving her friends and the earth and rising up to heaven and becoming immortal