I’ve known a Heaven, like a Tent —
To wrap its shining Yards —
Pluck up its stakes, and disappear —
Without the sound of Boards
Or Rip of Nail — Or Carpenter —
But just the miles of Stare —
That signalize a Show’s Retreat —
In North America —
No Trace — no Figment of the Thing
That dazzled, Yesterday,
No Ring — no Marvel —
Men, and Feats —
Dissolved as utterly —
As Bird’s far Navigation
Discloses just a Hue —
A plash of Oars, a Gaiety —
Then swallowed up, of View.
The sky (and possibly a beautiful, true view of God) changes from day to day like a travelling show.
I am using this poem for a project for my english class. I am not very good at poetry, but this poem seems to be about a heaven thqat is removed or abandons humans. I am confused by the analogy at the end of the poem that does not match the tent analogy of the rest, can anyone help me to understand this?