Angels, in the early morning
May be seen the Dews among,
Stooping — plucking — smiling — flying —
Do the Buds to them belong?
Angels, when the sun is hottest
May be seen the sands among,
Stooping — plucking — sighing — flying —
Parched the flowers they bear along.
Beautiful poem.Angels,kind friends or people are always with us.Helping us in small ways
What type of rhyme is this poem
The Poem was short sweet and had a real meaning to it unlike some of the other poems out there. Another reeason why so many people like her.
The angels are something beautiful in our minds,but we ourselves are not sure what they really are.
This poem was very nice. It seemed to have a double meaning to me, I view the “angels” as being angels or hummingbirds who rely on the flowers for their food. Emily Dickinson’s poetry is very beautiful and can mean different things to different people, and that is why I think many readers love her poetry.
This poem is sweet and simple and it is very beautiful