A Mien to move a Queen —
Half Child — Half Heroine —
An Orleans in the Eye
That puts its manner by
For humbler Company
When none are near
Even a Tear —
Its frequent Visitor —
A Bonnet like a Duke —
And yet a Wren’s Peruke
Were not so shy
Of Goer by —
And Hands — so slight —
They would elate a Sprite
With Merriment —
A Voice that Alters — Low
And on the Ear can go
Like Let of Snow —
Or shift supreme —
As tone of Realm
On Subjects Diadem —
Too small — to fear —
Too distant — to endear —
And so Men Compromise
And just — revere —
I think this is about Queen Victoria, a very little lady with “Hands — so slight” and a “Voice that alters — low.” .
a squirrel,or something like that,as a metaphor of herself
People respect (not fear or love) this amazing woman who is both majestic and humble.