Now i lay(with everywhere around)… (44)

Now i lay(with everywhere around)
me(the great dim deep sound
of rain;and of always and of nowhere)and
what a gently welcoming darkestness–

now i lay me down(in a most steep
more than music)feeling that sunlight is
(life and day are)only loaned:whereas
night is given(night and death and the rain

are given;and given is how beautifully snow)

now i lay me down to dream of(nothing
i or any somebody or you
can begin to begin to imagine)

something which nobody may keep.
now i lay me down to dream of Spring

Analysis, meaning and summary of e.e. cummings's poem Now i lay(with everywhere around)… (44)


  1. Bernadette Joy says:

    this is the 2nd poem i read and truly cummings is an amazing poet…
    getting into this generation is something…
    there is something magical in this poem…
    a child like prayer but with the intensity of an adult’s mind…
    simple but intricate… 2 worlds in 1…

  2. Tom Hall says:

    3. “with you i leave a remembrance of miracles:they are by somebody who can love and who whall be continually reborn. . .”

    i do not know how anyone could love mr cummings(‘s poetry)more than i. i am always happy to see how many others DO love mr cummings’spoetry((perhaps as much as i).

  3. TomM Hall says:

    clearly, the other persons commenting here are touched and are enJoyed (sic) by this little work as much as i am today. i do not know how anyone could love mr cummings(‘s poetry)more than i. i am always happy to see how many others DO love mr cummings’spoetry((perhaps as much as i). My comment is from the author himself, just two twinkles to compare with this writing.
    1. from “i thank you god for most this amazing day”
    “i who have died am alive again today”
    … Does anythink about this remind you of spring?
    2. from ntroduction to his “Collected Poems” of 1938
    “if mostpeople were to be born twice they’d improbably call it dying–”
    o, and a third twinkle from the same:
    3. “with yo i leave a remembrance of miracles:they are by somebody who can and who whall be continually reborn. . .”

    i do not know how anyone could love mr cummings(‘s poetry)more than i. i am always happy to see how many others DO love mr cummings’spoetry((perhaps as much as i).

  4. Kellen says:

    This is absolutely brilliant…He has three seperate poems in one. The first is reading the poem all the way through. The second is reading the poem without the parentheses. The third is reading the poem only with the parentheses. Try them, seriously if you haven’t, the third one is somewhat vague but they all make sense.

    E.e. cummings = genius

  5. hillary says:

    this poem i think is based off of the child’s prayer you know… now i lay me down to sleep and if i die before i wake please god, my soul to take. or something along those lines. cummings was a man who loved spring so i think this is why he wanted to dream of spring when he died. this poem is beautiful and describes i think maybe dying peacefully. accepting what is happening and wishing for it. it describes life also with what is given to you and then taken and what is yours to keep.

  6. Kelly says:

    Reading this makes me feel like I’m 10 years old, laying in bed & listening to it rain. It’s like the thoughts you think when you don’t realize you’re thinking or maybe it’s just feelings put into stings of nonsensical words but making perfect sense.
    Good stuff. 🙂

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