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Analysis, meaning and summary of e.e. cummings's poem fl… (2)


  1. kelby flynn says:

    i really think that the people who created this web site should really fix the problem of only the right side of half the poems show cuz it really adgitates me and several others that i associate with that use this web address.

    • Kai Williams says:

      The actual poem is like this, search it up. You also need to go back to school and check your grammar…it’s agitates, not “adgitates”

  2. mohsen rostambakhsh says:

    with manny thanks .im impressing of cummings .he is master of all time .as an american artist which iv got american blood ..this poem made strang energy for me .

  3. Caleb says:

    i understand how he could be writing about sickness.
    I dont see how the shapes tie in though..>_>

  4. Lam says:

    I think that this poem is about being sick. Dreamlessness often accompanies sickness, as obviously the coughing does too. He makes the coughing seem more there by writing it as “ccocoucougcoughcoughing”.

  5. Jane Slater says:

    flattened dreamlessnesses waitspit)(thesefoolish shapesccocoucougcoughcoughing with men more on than in them

    flattened dreamlessnesses wait spit these foolish shapes coughing with men more on than in them

    usually if you just copy and paste the poem into word and get rid of all of the enters, it is pretty clear.

    of course, if you want to analyze meaning, that’s a different story.

  6. --- says:

    To “matt whitaker” analyze the structure of the poem. Where the letters are, what letters when seperated make. What it .

    Poems written vertically by Cummings do not deserve to be “straightened out”. Doing so only makes it more confusing.

    When reading Cummings’ poetry, it’s best to take whatever you know about grammar, punctuation, prose, etc. and throw it out the window. Good luck.

  7. Randy says:

    I too am confused by this. I can’t seem to get my arms around what is being said…

  8. matt whitaker says:

    i’m very confused. this is what i got so far but now i’m stumped.

    Flattened dream less nesses wait spit) (these foolish shapes ccocoucoug cough coughing with men more on than in them

  9. bob says:

    I would have to sit down with this poem for a while but I figured out its a bunch of words put together and the letters are seperated into the lines

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