God says to me with a kind of smile,
“Hey how would you like to be God awhile
And steer the world?”
“Okay,” says I, “I’ll give it a try.
Where do I set?
How much do I get?
What time is lunch?
When can I quit?”
“Gimme back that wheel,” says God.
“I don’t think you’re quite ready yet.”
The poem taught me that even some people could take a vacation but you have to leave the resposibilities in the right hands or the jab will not be done right.
I don’t think you should tell people they look funny.
And i do like this poem it is very cute and kind.
how is this poem a insult 2 god man???
mao. yo face make me feel funny!!
I think that it’s trying to tell people that we are not in contoll but God is. So don’t put to many things up agenest yourself.It made me fell good because i’m not god and it would be really hard.
It made me feel happy Because the people who want to take over the world god say you can’t. So no one will get hert.
Katie said everything. But it also means that power (economical, political…) cant get mixed with the individualist point of view because other people are envolved and deserve respect for their own lives.
Doesn’t God love everybody? So humans to have His powers need do it too. Thats the message.
You guys are all not taking it literally enough (or so my opinion is) i think perhaps he is simply saying that even when people (of today) are offered a wonderful and extraordinary job all we think of is when we can take time off, how much we will get payed, and not even stopping to consider anything but the statistics of the job. as far as im concerned u all have it backwards, i think its more ment to be insulting US not god.
That poem was very fun because you say you are going to try it but you are asking many question and it made me feel funny!!
everybody knows that either God never takes lunch breaks, or he takes them whenever he wants.
i thiink that this poem is great! It shows us that no matter how much we want to control ourselves or the world, that we can’t do it without God’s help! I loved it! Thank you so much Mr. Silverstein! God Bless you!
I agree with Rae, i don’t think this poem has anything to do with insulting God in any way.
I think that everyone is reading into this way too much. It’s just meant to be silly.
How could this poem possibly be an insult to GOD?
Well, I think this is just a funny poem. No hidden meanings or anything.
i think this poem is a insult to GOD!!!!
I don’t think that every poem has to have a surtain meaning, sometimes you just write what’s on your mind, and other people can find a special meaning in it..
nice poem, by the way 🙂
what this poem means to me is when taking on an important task you have to do it for yourself and not for the benifits.When you can do that you will then be ready to do great things
This poem shows that even though we try to control our world/selves ,we expect to be able to be recompensed and relieved if we become weary.God is in full control.
Playing the roll of God is not a paying or brake taking job, there are no physical rewards only spiritual and some people seem to take such selfless acts forgranted, I believe thats why God asked for his wheel back and let the kid know he wasn’t ready. I think this poem was disigned to open the world to the idea of giving and not expecting to recieve.