You come to fetch me from my work to-night
When supper’s on the table, and we’ll see
If I can leave off burying the white
Soft petals fallen from the apple tree
(Soft petals, yes, but not so barren quite,
Mingled with these, smooth bean and wrinkled pea);
And go along with you ere you lose sight
Of what you came for and become like me,
Slave to a Springtime passion for the earth.
How Love burns through the Putting in the Seed
On through the watching for that early birth
When, just as the soil tarnishes with weed,
The sturdy seedling with arched body comes
Shouldering its way and shedding the earth crumbs.
Frost is at the DINNER table for his final meal of the day. His personal season of fertility is over. He observes. He is aware of the trials for the seed. But the seed is already planted and he cannot control it with his own will. It will grow without Frost’s control. The trick is to watch and allow life to be.
well, in my opinon Frost has written some good poems, however do you really think he spent all his time thinking over every word so it meant something – because i certainly don’t, i think people add symbolism to make themselves sound intelligent!
poems Mr.mahmoud ghoochani for
Nobody aware of his future
I want to go .
May be I don’t come back again . and maybe come back .
Nobody aware of his future .
I want to write again .
Even my pen is broken and my heart be annihilated…
But I am in a mood to do this … .
I want to look at the reality rightly and tell them to other .
I want to be with you again …
Nobody aware of his future …
Maybe I come back soon …
Nobody aware of his future , but I will come and speak to you about the fate of the storms .
I don’t want flower but I like the love very much .
Author : Mahmoud Ghoochani
Iran – Mashhad
The simple words of the moments
The last passenger who takes the loneliness road , sees the night in which the tree of love left him a simple word . a shelterless stillness , a lonely evening , the mirage of horizon , scarcity of lyrics , to stay and leave , coming and going .
Are the black clouds upon the simple word of the moments .
Author : Mahmoud Ghoochani
Iran – Mashhad
Name : Mahmoud
Surname : Ghoochani
Birth Certificate No : 1439
Date of Birth : February 4 , 1985
Address : P.O.BOX : 1383 – 91375
Mashhad – Iran
Telephon : (+98) 05116654367
Mobile : (+98) 09329193996
First off, who cares if Mr. Frost was gay?
That out of the way, the poem seems to me a tangle of metaphor and literal translation. For example, “burying the white” can be read as filling the page as well as read with the following line (i.e. showing the tending of one’s property). Of course, the obvious sexual references can still be bled from these same lines when introducing “barren”, “smooth bean” and “wrinkled pea” in the subsequent lines.
It seems Frost challenges us next when he claims that his mate might “become like” him, “Slave to a Springtime passion…”. This might appear to contradict the idea that he is being called from the field to tend to his mate’s needs (since he here claims to have the passion himself). Of course, the tending of these fields requires both the passion and the literal act.
On balance, a beautiful piece that mixes sexuality with natural metaphors of nature both rich and complex.
Yes, this is very sexy, but I feel more of the practical poet here; for me, he seems to be talking about the poet’s need for someone down to earth to come and rouse him from his muse, as he writes and he appreciates his wife for keeping the house together and giving his life some schedule because otherwise he would be too absorbed in his work to notice, just as he may very well be when gardening, too. There’s not much difference in the professions.
hey everyone I came on here to finalise my research on Robert Frost’s poetry just to check out if there’s anything I’ve been missing. Turns out there was and I have my first a-level exam tomorrow afternoon. I really do recommend studying this site! Well worth it! I actually now do feel filled with confidence, which I could really need right about now! Thanks to you all!
I can’t see how there can be so many meanings/symbols in one small poem.
i’m studying frost for my AS-Level course and with the exam in 2 days i thought i’d better brush up on my knowledge of him but everything is the same
it’s either, life, death, sex or love.
to be honest i think people over analyse the poems. he didnt write them thinkin oh i’ll add a metaphor in here to make it read like tht. it’s stupid.
Hey, ive studied Frost for two years now and after thorough research im sad to tell you all but Mr Frost was/is Gay! But looking at your well achieved analysis i agree that this poem is an act of making love, yet, frost being homosexual i beleive he is talking about his intimate love for nature, rather than a woman, he would rather enjoy planthing seeds in the soil and being close to nature than to a womans body, he is using nature to describe this act. Another thought to tease your minds with is if you read lines 3 and 4, the word white suggests something pure, virginity perhaps? he may be talking that this is so precious and delecate that it is something not to let go of lightly, hence the delecate soft petals. Could go on but il leave these thoughts with you guys, many regards will.