I DWELL in a lonely house I know
That vanished many a summer ago,
And left no trace but the cellar walls,
And a cellar in which the daylight falls,
And the purple-stemmed wild raspberries grow.
O’er ruined fences the grape-vines shield
The woods come back to the mowing field;
The orchard tree has grown one copse
Of new wood and old where the woodpecker chops;
The footpath down to the well is healed.
I dwell with a strangely aching heart
In that vanished abode there far apart
On that disused and forgotten road
That has no dust-bath now for the toad.
Night comes; the black bats tumble and dart;
The whippoorwill is coming to shout
And hush and cluck and flutter about:
I hear him begin far enough away
Full many a time to say his say
Before he arrives to say it out.
It is under the small, dim, summer star.
I know not who these mute folk are
Who share the unlit place with me–
Those stones out under the low-limbed tree
Doubtless bear names that the mosses mar.
They are tireless folk, but slow and sad,
Though two, close-keeping, are lass and lad,–
With none among them that ever sings,
And yet, in view of how many things,
As sweet companions as might be had.
Very inspiring.
He is truly talking about soul.
I know that Frost’s implications were much more pervasive, but all I could think of as I was reading this poem was my mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. She dwells in a “ghost house” from which she cannot escape, at the end of a “road” by which I can no longer reach her. All that she has left are vague memories of long ago (the cellar). Her nights are full of fears and nightmares (bats), and in her shadowy mind, she is often visited by long-dead friends and companions. The whipporwill, I believe, is Death coming closer as the poet anticipates his arrival. On some level, my mother also hears this call, but for her it is a siren’s song.
ahhhhhhh. It’s okay, he could have done ALOT better.
this poems title is alright but the actual poem is very good. I would suggest this poem to any one, robert frost is a great poet.
My English professor is a big fan of Frost “The Ghost House” I believe Robert Frost was referencing the emptiness felt while living at the farm house his grandparent left to him and his family. The house was old and seemed to be lonely during his struggles with becoming a know poet. I felt the poem because I can relate to living in an old house that seems empty after everyone left. The eerie feeling inside about struggling to make ends meet to raise a family can contribute to the ghostly feeling of the house.
koy muk poems! It wily goot! It make me laugh lot! Robert Frost mi hum noi!
It was great, i used it for my 6th grade english project!!
I like this poem it was so easy to understand!! I am studing Robert Frost in English.
My teacher Mr. Suelzle likes Robert Frost’s poems also.
Thank You
wow. i love reading this poem cause not just in this one, but orbert frost uses such great imagery in his work. and even though im only 14, and i havent had a big white house with tons of beautiful land like the one i see when i read this, i still think of something
i like the poem hell i love the poem
ay ay ay que buen poema!!!!
This poem is the best poem i have ever read but it kinda doesnt make sence
I think ROBERT FROST is a great poet, who showed people how well he could write. I think he write things that connect to everyone! And this is the best one I read so far!
His poems are wonderful it kinda of makes you feel like your experiencing while you read it.
its good
I love this poem…its great 2 use in poem contest at ur school i recemend this poem 2 everybody in grades 6- life
i thinkit is a great poem. i really enjoyed it and i know other people who like poetry will enjoy it also
mr.frost enters a world were everything is maDE UP AND HIP.THIS IS WHAT MAKES him so good
Read this poem, and then “The Witch of Coos.” Two poems dealing with the supernatural, but with nearly opposite takes. “Ghost House” evokes a sense of meloncholy, emptiness, loneliness and sorrow. “Coos” is shocking in the casualness with which the mother and son discuss the skeleton’s adventure — it almost comes across as slapstick, as the mother slaps the bony hand off, then tricks the skeleton into going up to the attic. Death may be a common theme for poets to dwell upon, but Frost takes two uncommon approaches in “Ghost House” and “The Witch of Coos”.
Robert Frost shows a sense of childhood fear throughout this poem. He talks of the lonely house, the bats at night, and the grave stones outside. Although he has this childhood fear though, he recognizes that although the two ghosts are there, they are both there together and they have a strong bond between each other. This is recognized in the last 2 lines of the poem. Frost has a bit of a spooky tone when he first begins the poem in the first 2 stanzas when he is describing the house, but a realization of the two mute strangers is soon found and gives a small sense of relaxation. This poem shows a sense that even those whos names are forgotten, the moss covered stones have the names gone, can still have an everlasting bond between each other if they really want to.