Faith — is the Pierless Bridge
Supporting what We see
Unto the Scene that We do not —
Too slender for the eye
It bears the Soul as bold
As it were rocked in Steel
With Arms of Steel at either side —
It joins — behind the Veil
To what, could We presume
The Bridge would cease to be
To Our far, vacillating Feet
A first Necessity.
I think this poem is very good
I was also searching for this poem after I saw it on “Joan of Arcadia”. It sort of stuck out to me in the episode, and I wasn’t going to post a comment, but I found it amusing so many other people have looked for it for the same reason. That’s why I love “Joan”…it really makes me think, and opens me up to new worlds.
I also heard this poem on “Joan of Arcadia.” I was in need of a poem for my Literature class and this seemed to be handed to me.
I too had never heard this poem until I heard it on “Joan of Arcadia.” I was struck by it instantly and thought I would try to find it online…only to see that someone else heard it on that show as well. On the show they comment how we do not see immediate results of our actions…sometimes they are just too small to see, but they are there…and that’s what is important. I know nothing of poetry but I am still fasinated with this poem and others by Emily Dickinson.
I would never have been aware of this poem had it not been quoted on “Joan of Arcadia” (March 4, 2005). Who says TV has nothing to offer these days?
This poem has to be my absolute favorite. If you ever have an emotional trauma this is a poem to read bc it shows what nobody looks for, the truth behind the illusion of happiness. It shows that she looked beneath the surface to face reality and to get away from the dream state everyone lives in…it seems so depressing but isn’t life in general depressing?