r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r who a)s w(e loo)k upnowgath PPEGORHRASS eringint(o- aThe):l eA !p: S a (r rIvInG .gRrEaPsPhOs) to rea(be)rran(com)gi(e)ngly ,grasshopper;
r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r who a)s w(e loo)k upnowgath PPEGORHRASS eringint(o- aThe):l eA !p: S a (r rIvInG .gRrEaPsPhOs) to rea(be)rran(com)gi(e)ngly ,grasshopper;
Do you have any comments, criticism, paraphrasis or analysis of this poem that you feel would assist other visitors in understanding the meaning or the theme of this poem by e.e. cummings better? If accepted, your analysis will be added to this page of American Poems. Together we can build a wealth of information, but it will take some discipline and determination.
Everybody is entitled to like whatever they want. They do have a life if they like this. If you can’t read it, you aren’t stupid. It’s not an easy poem to understand it. But i find it funny that James from the United States is judging people because they can’t read this poem, and he types “dis” instead of “this”
classic, james, classic.
This is a good poem, if you enjoy this type of poetry. If you don’t, get off your high horse and don’t tell people they’re stupid or that they have no life. You’re entitled to your opinion as much as they are.
E.E Cummings is the man, for anyone who says this is the most absurd thing they’ve ever seen and ‘u’ are stupid if you enjoy this poem, man, you must have wax in your ears, wrong frequencyyyy, might as well get off this website. Literally- read between the lines.imagine- You’re sitting in the grass, you see something leap, blades of grass tremble, then subside, it jumps again! A cricket? It can’t be. No movement for atleast ten seconds, and as it leaps for the third or forth time, it Rea(be)rran(com)gi(e)nly
Suck it, this is beautiful
could someone just rewrite the poem in the right form PLEASE(:
What is this? I don’t even…….
Ok im haveing trouble on his R-P-O-P-H-E-S-S-A-G-R poem i have no clue what he is saying anyone have a clue so they could help me?
i lik dis guys poems.. they mske me think. my teacher showed them 2 us dis year.
im in 8th grade and i have to do a project on this poet. this poem is often seen in many places and as of today i really love this poem. it took me 1 week to figure out wat it means but as i kept reading and reading i really understood what it meant…
Who as we look up now gathering into a T, he leaps arriving to rearrangingly become grasshopper.
I love this poem. Really Really.
i’m in 7th grade and i was assigned this poem to figure out. it took me 3 hours!!!!!!!!! 🙁 actually, i didn’t really do it, which is why i now love this site
Okay, check this out…you guys are all missing the ‘a’ so you end up with the wrong translation. This is a letter-for-letter translation – nothing added or left out – no personal interpretations. Enjoy!
as we look
up now gathering
a ‘T’ he leaps!:
arriving grasshopper
to rearrangingly
ok i am a senior in high school i have to wrie a paper on this poem. i have a 4.0 gpa and i have been voted prom king. i have looked at this poem for 2 weeks and i have gotten the title down and i have not gotten much further than that. how do i go about undertanding this poem. i just dont understand the damn thing. some help would be nice. my e-mail is love2ridebmx2002@sbcglobal.net please help me jamie
Most of e.e. cummings’ work allowed readers to come up with their own interpretation, which is always nice. He also intends for most of his work to be read like a painting since he was also a painter and so he often painted with words. This means that he probably did not want you to necessarily read it as if it were a sentence, or even read it one time through as if it had one meaning. If you do this you will miss key details that help to fill in the mental imagery created by the poem. Each word or letter may be used for more than one meaning and not all of the letters have to be used in one interpretation. For instance it could be, in sentence format for easy understanding:
‘r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r’, who, as we look up now, gathering into a leap, arriving to become rearrangingly ‘grasshopper’.
‘r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r’, who, as we look up now, gathering into the leap ’s (is) a riving ‘gRrEaPsPhOs’ to rearraningly become ‘grasshopper’.
Just a few quick interpretations and some food for thought. I hope most people will stop trying to read cummings: the one right way, as prose, and as typical poetry for that matter.
I was assigned this poem in my english class to be explicated. I’m a junior in high school and i think i speak for everyone who was assigned this poem when i say, this is a very CONFUSING poem!
but some peoples comments really helped me understand it alittle better!So thanks!
E.E. Cummings is an awesome poet that writes poems in ways that makes his readers think and analyze what he has written. I just wish i could understand it alittle better!
oh well!
The poem says:
Who, as we look, now upgathering into himself, leaps, arriving to become, rearrangingily, a grasshopper
grasshopper, who, as we look now is upathering into himself, leaps, arriving to become, rearrangingly, a grasshopper.
or i think so at least =)
this poem likes men
This is a great poem and very masterfully done.I don’t really see the grasshopper shape but I understand the significance of the writing. Life is ever changing and as the grasshopper does we should also take each leap with courage and determination.
ok, apparently this page doesnt print things correctly unless i use html so OOPS.. thats not how the poems supposed to look either. heres a link: http://deadparrot.home.pipeline.com/poetry/eec/eec14.htm
this poem is not printed correctly. it should be something like this:
a)s w(e loo)k
S a
rIvInG .gRrEaPsPhOs)
but were does the, a, go? before the “The”